Galerie Tschudi promotes international and Swiss contemporary art, showcasing established artists and newcomers alike. The Gallery holds solo and group shows, works with international institutions, participates in international art fairs, and publishes ar

Galerie Tschudi promotes international and Swiss contemporary art, showcasing established artists and newcomers alike. The Gallery holds solo and group shows, works with international institutions, participates in international art fairs, and publishes art catalogues and artists’ monographs.
Galerie Tschudi was founded in Glarus 1985 by Ruedi Tschudi (6.6.1940–4.1.2019) and Elsbeth Bisig. In December 2002 they opened a second Gallery in Zuoz/Engadin (approx. 20 min. by car from St.Moritz) which became the main Gallery in 2005.
In 2022, Galerie Tschudi is taking a step from the periphery into the urban environment, where it opens another dependence in Zurich’s new gallery cluster.
Galerie Tschudi Zuoz
Während den Sommer + Winter Monaten: Di - Sa, 15-18.30h Zwischensaison auf Anfrage
Galerie Tschudi
Somvih 4
7524 Zuoz
Andre Carl
Brouwn Stanley
Burkhard Balthasar
Büttner Andrea
Charlton Alan
Charrière Julian
Fulton Hamish
Huws Bethan
Innes Callum
Klein Martina
Long Richard
Merz Mario
Rückriem Ulrich
Serapinas Augustas
Toroni Niele
Tse Su-Mei
Vital Not
Wa Lehulere Kemang
Walsh Dan
Wunderlich Petra
Galerie Tschudi Zürich
Dienstag - Freitag, 11 - 18 Uhr, Samstag, 11 - 17 Uhr und auf Vereinbarung
Galerie Tschudi
Rämistrasse 5
8001 Zürich