Galerie & Edition Stephan Witschi

We are committed to Fine Art Photography– but to the Art of Painting as well
Our focus is, in particular, directed towards positions that – regardless of fashion trends – pursue their own artistic path, remaining almost timeless. Our programme, which is characterised by diversity and contemporary relevance, is featured both by internationally renowned artists, such as Jungjin Lee as well as by young aspiring fine art photographers, like Ester Vonplon, who through museum exhibitions and awards have found their place in the international art scene. We also collaborate with guest artists, like Roman Signer or Birdhead. Clear attitudes, strong statements and high quality form the common denominator of the artists we represent and who are often characterised by their subtle approach and critical minds.
Gallery artists:
Reto Camenisch, Christoph Haerle, Martin Kollar, Jungjin Lee, Thomas Ott, Peter Radelfinger, Bjørn Sterri, Ester Vonplon and Hans Witschi.
Art Fairs (selection):
Photofairs Shanghai, Paris Photo, Unseen, Photofairs San Francisco and Drawing Now Art Fair Paris.
Wed-Fri: 2 pm - 6 pm
Sa: 1 pm - 5 pm
or phone
Galerie & Edition Stephan Witschi
Zwinglistrasse 12
8004 Zürich
Bjørn Sterri
Christoph Haerle
Ester Vonplon
Hans Witschi
Jungjin Lee
Martin Kollar
Ott Thomas
Peter Radelfinger
Reto Camenisch (CH)