Galerie Alex Schlesinger

The gallery “Alex Schlesinger” opened its doors in Zurich in 2003. Throughout the year, the gallery organizes seven solo shows in it s rooms and exhibits at the “International Contemporary Art Fair” in Zurich , the ART KARLSRUHE and the "Scope Art Show Basel". The emphasis of the gallery programming is laid on contemporary art oscillating between abstract and figurative painting. The gallery represents currently twenty artists from Switzerland and abroad. The gallery is member of the Association of Art Galleries in Switzerland and of the Associatioin of Galleries in Zurich (
Galerie Alex Schlesinger
8002 Zurich
: 0786415591
: +41 (0)78 641 55 91
Mardi et mercredi: sur rendez-vous
Jeudi et vendredi: 13.00 - 18.00
Samedi: 12.00 - 16.00
Fondation: 2003
Galerie Alex Schlesinger
8002 Zurich
Bosisio Robert
Diel Max
Enderli Lisa
Fabrikant Janika
Ginocchio Claudia
Hasse Moritz
Häsli Daniel
Jaccard Rémi
Käser Werner
Luthy Jean-François
M.S.Bastian/Isabelle L.
Pocci Riccardo
Renaud Raphaël
Roth Emanuel
Scheffel Wolfram
Schindler Edith
Schäppi Josef
Stepan Christoph
Svarbova Maria
Temnitschka Maria
Tschudi Patrick
Van der Meulen Valentin
Weber Tobias
Winter Konrad